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5 Elements That are not Letting Your Outdoor Signs Succeed

So you spend a lot of money on outdoor marketing and still didn’t receive any new call or get any new walk-in in your store? It is because you didn’t choose the right path. We’ll tell you what things are keeping you away from your success from outdoor signs.

1) Wrong Location

The biggest pitfall of putting up your outdoor signs is selecting the wrong location. Imagine you out up a sidewalk sign near a lot of plants and creepers, or you put the hoarding up on the wrong side of the traffic on a highway. Do you think people will be able to see such signs properly? Of course, not. The signs need to be placed and installed well so that they are exposed to your audience.

2) Too Much Text

In today’s fast-paced life, nobody has the time to wait, read the content on your outdoor signs, think about it, take action, and then move ahead. That’s why, if you have a lot of details on your outdoor signs, it is facing losses. And this is evident in the case of banners and billboards. People who drive fast and stop at a signal for a few minutes won’t read a lot of information on a billboard. Keep your content precise and short for people to read when they are on-the-go.

3) Poor Colours

Nobody wants to look at flashy and fancy colours that irritate their eyes. Unnecessary use of bright colours will only drive people and their eyeballs away from your outdoor signs. Rather than taking a moment to glance and read through what the signs read, they’ll just walk over. Therefore, always pick colours that are subtle and neutral while designing your outdoor signs.

4) No Contact Details

Even if everything’s good on your outdoor signs, they won’t be successful if you don’t put any contact details on them. So what if people read everything about the products or services you offer or the promotions you hold? They won’t do anything good to you if you don’t tell them how to get in touch with you. That’s why, always put your business address, phone number, email, and other information on your outdoor signs.

5) Competitors’ Signs

Even after doing everything right, if your outdoor signs aren’t getting you any new leads and business, maybe it’s not your fault. Maybe the competitor is trying too hard and taking away all the success. For instance, you choose an amazing spot to put up a billboard on a busy road. But your competitor did the same, and their hoarding looks a little better than yours or is placed ahead of yours. This gives them brownie points and success too.

To ensure that you have the upper hand over your competition and you outperform their outdoor signs, you must hire a reputed outdoor sign company, like Alberta Sign Rentals. We will help you outline a successful outdoor marketing strategy that won’t ever go wrong.