Schools will be back in session soon, and welcoming students of all ages. Whether K-12 or post secondary, signage can enhance the efficiency, safety, and fun of coming back to school!
Floor, Wall and Window Graphics
Floor and wall graphics can help little learners find their way from room to room, helping them learn directions, locations, and develop that ever-so-important skill of independence. For older kids, these colourful graphics can spark the imagination for art, games or other creative play.

For post secondary institutions, wall graphics can reinforce institutional branding, and can help with wayfinding in buildings with lots of levels or hallways. Older learners will appreciate a pop of colour here and there if it helps them get to class on time, and use of colour in architecture and design has been shown to affect the mental health of those who use the space frequently.
For institutions with windows, a window graphic is a wonderful way to advertise your school or learning centre to the outside world. For daycares or kindergarten spaces where young or vulnerable learners spend their days, window graphics have the added benefit of creating a privacy barrier so those outside can’t see in. All without sacrificing natural light for those using the room.

Banners and A-Frame signs
Banners can be used indoors or outdoors, and the applications for education are numerous!
Banners signs are a great reusable tool for communicating things that happen frequently, like every semester, or every year.
- Class registration
- Science fairs
- School dances
- Sports team try-outs
- Band concerts
- Graduation week
- Welcome back parties
- Parent teacher conferences
- So much more!
Banners don’t take up a lot of floor space, but are tall enough to catch the attention of learners and guardians. They also roll up for easy storage until you need them again.
Alternatively, banners can be hung to commemorate anniversaries, team wins, and other memorable events.

A-Frame signs are a little sturdier than banners because they’re a little shorter (only 3 or 4 feet tall), and have a sturdy frame on all 4 sides of the panel. For these reasons, A-Frame signs work well for outdoor communications.
Changing the panel in the frame is simple and inexpensive, making this a great option for things like:
- Sport event way-finding
- Outdoor education meeting place
- Concession stand pricing at sporting events
- Bus stop or field trip meeting places

Other signs for schools
For bus zone signage or staff parking lot signs, institutions could consider custom single-sided street guidance signs. These are a unique non-permanent way to denote appropriate drop-off or pick-up zones for parents, loading zones for vendors, or specialised parking spaces for teachers, coaches, principles, or aids.

Sometimes daycare or preschool education schools are in plazas or strip malls, and storefront signage is necessary to make sure parents and guardians know where to go.
Often signage can help inform or reinforce health and safety messaging, like handwashing, mask wearing, or social distancing, and post-covid can help little learners develop good hygiene habits. Floor decals, door decals and mirror decals are durable, safe, washable and fun, and will give institutions years of value.
Here’s your sign: School is in session
No matter the size of the institution or the age of the learners, signage is an important part of the life of a school, and can benefit students, staff and parents.
Make the most of your budget with well-made and long-lasting installations from Alberta Sign Rentals – we serve all of Alberta from our main locations in Calgary and Edmonton, so don’t hesitate to contact us for a quote or more information.