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How to Troll Your Competitors in Advertising

In today’s cut-throat marketing world, you have to be innovative and creative to beat the competition. The best way to boost your marketing results is by undermining the competitors marketing endeavors. Ambush marketing or troll marketing does just that, it takes a dig at your competitor and establishes your brand’s supremacy in the eyes of the consumer. Here’s why you need to indulge in some healthy marketing competition with your rivals.


If you are a not-so-well-known brand then taking part in troll marketing can be your ticket to the big game. If you take a jab at a very well-known brand’s marketing campaign and manage to outdo them you will successfully achieve recognition as the underdog who trolled the big guys. Placing a well-thought out billboard with a clever punch-line right next to that of a competitor’s is an effective way to show consumers what a creative and spunky brand you are.


Trolling a big reputed brand will get you noticed, even if it is for the wrong reasons. Even if you try to troll a huge competitor and fail at it, you will instantly receive a wide exposure owing to the public reach of the bigger brand. And remember, no publicity is bad publicity. So don’t be afraid to get a little crafty and take a shot at the competition. Because this is what it takes to increase the exposure to your brand in today’s fiercely competitive marketing arena!


What’s the best way to grab eyeballs with your billboard? Write it in a way to ambush the competition’s billboard. The placement of bigger brands is always targeted to high-eyeball areas and this will give you plenty of ideas as to where to put your next billboard. You can also capitalize on the attention that big brands get from their billboards by making a reference to them in your own. This will make the audience notice you and you will receive attention on a much larger scale.


Now, this one might be a long shot, but it is highly probable. Trolling your competition with witty and humorous taglines can be a great way to establish healthy business relationships with them. If you do it right, you could earn their respect and this could open the door future business opportunities and collaborations.

Here are some examples that beautifully explain how to do troll marketing right and have the last laugh.

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Think out of the box when creating your next billboard advertisement and utilize the services of only the best ad rental and creation company in Alberta. Happy trolling!

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