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How Can You Pull Off A Guerilla Advertising Campaign?

A guerilla advertising campaign involves unique marketing strategies that can be executed on the streets. Stickers, motion ads, chalk on the walls are some of the examples of guerilla advertising campaign. Although some of these advertisements have been very successful, you should not imitate the same idea. Doing something different and unique will be more effective.

Every business is different, and every business should use guerilla advertising campaign differently. It is you who have to think about ideas to market your business, we are giving you some steps to pull off a guerilla advertising campaign.

Proper Research

Having laid down the specific objectives of the campaign, it is important for you to do proper research of your potential consumer. You should know what is most appealing to them. You need to be ready to take up all possible risks to have a successful guerilla advertising campaign. Even if you do a research on every detail of the campaign, there is always a chance it may not click with your audience.

Unique Ideas

When you are coming up with ideas for your campaign, do not try too hard to be something that you are not. The campaign should circle around the company’s values. Or else it will only leave the audience confused.

Here are some clever and creative ideas you should see.

  • This is an advertisement for organizing a seminar. This bag will definitely grab the attention of people passing by and your message will reach out to a lot of people.

Unique ideas

As you can clearly notice that this is an advertisement of a watch. It is really unique and makes sure that a lot of people will see it. And it is displayed in such a way that people can’t ignore it even if they want to. This is smart advertising which will give you great results.

Unique ideas

You can make your signboard advertising work if you do a little bit of research on the advertisements that have been put up in the surroundings. You can leave a clever reply to existing advertisements, and your work will be done.

Unique ideas

Make A Strategy

Once you have the idea ready, you need to know how you are going to get it done right. At first, you have to think about all the things you are going to need. When you know what all you are going to need, you should get them all in order. Then you need to draft down a plan and secure a date with your group. Lastly, you need to pin down all the points you will need to make your campaign successful.

Execute The Plan

Execute the plan

Once you have made a strategy, you are all set to execute the plan. Executing the plan is a major task in guerilla advertising campaign and need be done perfectly. Quick execution is necessary because customers have a short memory..

Guerilla marketing campaign has to be a mystery as to why it has been put there and who put it. The curiosity to know the answers to this questions grabs the viewers and makes them want to know more. This, in turn, leads to traffic at your store, and eventually more sales.

Promote Your Campaign

Though guerilla advertising campaign works best when it is a mystery, it can’t be too ambiguous because people will not know where to look for more information. Let your guerilla advertising campaign run for a few days and then take the credit on your social media sites. This way people will get enough time to notice and wonder and they will find you before you tell them.

Signboard advertising and guerilla advertising if done in a unique and appropriate manner can get a lot of traffic to your store. You just need to follow all these tips and you will get the guerilla advertisement campaign right.